Thursday, February 04, 2010


The ass-getting Xmastime HERE:
Hey, remember right after Obama took office, and the Drudge Report threw up the Dow Jones declining as the headline; comically oversized lettering with a siren going off? Every day, right? 8,500!! 8,400!! 8,100!!! ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO!!!!!!! OH NO WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE OBAMA IS A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!! 
Well, after dipping below 7,000 in March, the DOW is closing in on 10,500. Curiously, The Drudge Report seems to have lost it's "wailing death siren!!!" jpeg. Or, all of a sudden, it would turn out that the DOW's not really important as an indicator of the economy in the first place. Whatever the reason for not pointing out this rather meteoric rise when it sure spent a lot of time pointing out it's drastic fall, I'm sure it's very genuine on their part.
Hey, look who's back. Shocker.

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