Thursday, February 04, 2010

Tiger's Coming Back to Golf

All this talk of Tiger has to come back "humbled," and now the other golfers won't be intimidated by him anymore is fucking nonsense. You don't get to be a Tiger Woods without being an obscenely competitive asshole (see Jordan, Michael.) You don't get to be a Tiger Woods without having a little bit of "fuck you" with every win. And now that the world is looking down their noses at him, wouldn't you think that competitive orneriness would be ratcheted up even further? Tiger could give two shits if we "like him," or if we see how "sorry" he is. He wants to win every tournament, and humiliate you while doing it. It's how these guys work, no matter what we tell ourselves in an Oprahian World. He'll win majors, and we'll be cheering, and he'll laugh at us.

Except me, who is on record as being very impressed with all his fucking.

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