Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Slingin' Bullshit

A year ago HERE I wrote:
It remains a mystery to me as to why the party whose main doctrine is that if government gets out of the way then "hard-working real people" can succeed wildly by themselves has decided to determinedly place itself on the wrong side of such a process occurring. Whether or not it's because of Obama's stimulus or not, it's hard to believe that within a year or so this recession will still be going on; already there are rumblings that some things are on the uptick. We're too big, there's too many people moving shit about for a recession to last forever. And yet the GOP, in fighting Obama every step of the way and publicly hoping he'll fail, has foolishly put itself in the position of having to stand there while Obama (whether one thinks he deserves it or not) will be reaping all the credit for something that the very philosophy of their political party dictates would happen ANYWAY.
Of course, turns out I was wrong - the GOP has been more than happy to shamelessly take credit for any jobs created due to the stimulus they had tried to reject, as per this list Rachel Maddow put together (which doesn't even include Mark Sanford, who just days ago was seen going to beg for the stimulus money he turned down, which I'm sure he'll be glad to use to buy more comically over-sized check a lá Jindal et al.) Give these dudes credit, as they know their own voters won't even question such hypocrisy. They're not slinging some "creeping in at 12:01AM," bullshit, they're working the "come in wasted at 5AM acting like a complete fucking lunatic" bullshit. Kudos!

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