Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As a 37 year-old white male I realize I need a way to reach "the kids", so I've been doing a little rapping and I just busted out these dope rhymes. It's a work in progress, here's the latest verse. Enjoy!

(previous verses HERE and HERE and HERE)

(guide to how to flow this slice HERE.)


Yeah, yeah, yeahyeahyeahyeah Short Stack,
And they callin' you Palin
One whiff of you and my dick ain't failin'
You're Tokyo, and I'm Godzilla
Now back it up baby lemme drill-baby-drilla

Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (what’s he saying?)
Short Stack (seriously I cannot hear him)
Short Stack (is this thing on?)
Short Stack (turn down that goddam tv so I can hear him!)
Short Stack (huh?)
Short Stack (what?)
Short Stack (huh?)

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