Monday, February 08, 2010


As I get older, I feel more for those who have lost. I had no idea Drew Brees' mother died a few months ago. Worse, she killed herself. Yeeesh.

ps - as part of taday's "Xmastime's Drunk!" series, here's what the text looked like before editing:
I had no idea DrewBrees' mother die a few monmths ago. Woirse, tshe seesm tio have killed herlf. Yeeeh.


Unknown said...

She was a rather odd, verging on sociopathic, character who was a bit of an albatross for Brees for most of his adult life. They had a falling out after he would not use her as his sports agent. Then she tried to run for office, using her son's status and resume as a selling point. Finally I think she was under indictment for fraud and extortion of local restaurateurs. Terribly sad story.

Unknown said...

I guess I could've just read the ESPN article before I spewed forth about DBrees.