Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tebow/Mancrunch Nonsense

There's something funny about the fact that the two Super Bowl commercials getting so much attention include one that is supposed to inspire women not to abort their babies, and another which is a gay dating site for dudes (this got rejected by CBS.) I mean, since when were women and gay dudes the kind of demographic the Super Bowl was shooting for? There's a reason these ads are usually either beer commercials, or supermodels eating Doritos with their pussy lips. I mean, camon. Has nobody else pointed this out? I mean, people are still shaking their heads that the ad for Gardenburgers 12 years ago wasn't a flop.

And of course in both of these commercials' cases, inevitably the "argument" comes down to "well, we want this to be a 'safe time' for kids who are watching the game with their families." What? These aren't dudes walking around onscreen petting kittens; these are genetic freaks pumped up on horse tranquilizers trying to kill each other, all while patting each other on the ass with pants so tight you can see their childhood priest's fingerprints. For fuck's sake.

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