Monday, February 15, 2010

VP Steel Cage

I guess we're all supposed to get geared up about Biden vs. Cheneypalooza. From what I can gather, Cheney wins if we have a terrorist attack on Obama's watch.

But OF COURSE eventually there will be another attack; there always will be small fringe lunatics looking to blow up shit in the name of  hating America. And so Cheney's weekly pounding on tv that it will happen because of Obama being weak is utter fucking nonsense.  How did Indians know the rain dance would work? Cause they'd dance until it rained. The point shouldn't be whether or not we're attacked again, but rather that we don't act as we did last time, like over-sissied schoolgirls running into each other screaming in fear, and completely fucking ourselves over into way more of a disaster than any terrorists could've ever dreamed even possible.

Call me a clueless dimwit. Call me a liberal pussy tree-hugging commie pinko faggot. But I'm glad I am not on the side that as well as having to hope for more economic collapse, has to hope for another terrorist attack so that they can regain power. You know, the "true patriots" of America.


The Gnat said...

Subtleties obviously don't work with the voting public. Only catastrophes seem to get people's attention. If you guys would stop electing people who you think are "cool," who look good on the beach or who personally know Jay-Z, the stark lessons of your political wrongheadness wouldn't have to be delivered so hamhandedly. YORF!

Xmastime said...

youre right. we need to quit voting for ex-magazine models who look good in trucks and beauty queen runnerups. really, its a sickness with us!!!!