Friday, March 05, 2010

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

Obviously if THIS HAPPENS I will have a shit-fit, and seriously question my belief in Obama.

Tho I'm also curious re: Liz Cheney et al's reaction. As in I doubt it will be "we admire the President for finally deciding on what we believe to be the most prudent solution," and will of course be finger-pointing about indecisive "flip-flopping" and nightmare scenarios of how hard Obama initially tried to put the country on it's knees and at the mercy of KSM, even tho technically he has theoretically done that as much as he has brought KSM to Chuck E. Cheese.


Marley said...

Don't be so fickle.

The idea of a civilian court trial for this dude was childish, it show a littel growth that Obama realizes it, and the only thing more childish is a serious questioning of your belief in Obama (misplaced as it may be).

Kiko Jones said...

"Every time Obama compromises on a matter of national-security and civil-liberties principle, his GOP opponents raise the pressure to get him to bend further. His compromises earn him no good will. He is being, simply, punked...Obama can fight and win. Or he can compromise, demoralize his base, and the GOP will continue to roll him."

- Spencer Ackerman via UG