Friday, March 05, 2010

Pentagon Shooting Make a Bloggah Wannah Hollah

a lá HERE:
 The Pentagon shooting is just the latest in a string of violence seemingly motivated by far right ideologies. Of course, last month, “[h]atred of the government motivated a man in Texas” to launch a suicide attack on an IRS office. And a recent Southern Poverty Law Center report found a 244 percent rise in the number of extremist hate groups. But when the Department of Homeland Security released a report last year warning about the threat from right-wing domestic terror, conservative politicians and commentators were outraged, claiming it was an assault on conservatism. Sadly, the report was right.
Anybody got the numbers re: shoot 'em ups from people who want healthcare reform?


Marley said...

Hey, dumbass. This one was an anti-Bush Truther and a registered Democrat.

Not that it matters, except for shitheels who look for political advantage in bridge collapses, pork recalls and high winds.

Xmastime said...

is Marley crying?

Marley said...

One would have hoped you wouldn't come back from the respite dumber.

Xmastime said...

aha! jokes on you then, isnt it!!!!

Marley said...

From November 2006

"This criminal organization would use its powers to convert military, intelligence, and law enforcement bureaucracies into instruments for political control, and the domination and subjection of society, while discrediting, destroying, and murdering honest individuals within those services, that work to root out corruption, and faithfully serve their fellow citizens. This organization, like so many murderous governments throughout history, would see the sacrifice of thousands of its citizens in an event such as the September 11 attacks, as a small cost in order to perpetuate its barbaric control. This collection of gangsters would find it in their interest to foment conflict and initiate wars throughout the world, in order to divert attention from their misconduct and criminality. The true nature of such a regime would find its clearest expression in the satanic violence currently ongoing in Iraq."

Damn. Like the last wacko, he sounds eerily like Xmastime.

Marley said...

From his Amazon "wish list" page--

Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Th&hellip by Russ Baker

The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen

These are Xmastime books!

Xmastime said...

ive noticed your hot button seems to be wackos that explode into violence out of frustration with the government. and somehow tying them into myself. who is on record as a big fan of government. and, dare I say, a lot funnier than any of these dudes.

Marley said...

My hot button is the thoughtless ascribing of their actions to a political cause with which I disagree, which is some scummy shit, and which you did with the census taker, the Texas dude and now this guy.

So, I play your game, and do it better. But it would never occur to me to actually initiate a discussion about a wacko with an immediate tie to where he sits on the American domestic political spectrum.

You, on the other hand, just stack the bodies of their victims on the doorsteps of your political adversaries no matter the facts.

Badly done.

Xmastime said...

well, so far there has been a spike in extremist hate groups (up 244%), and violence such as these killings. this is indisputable. and we have yet to see any similar actions from frustration over the government dragging it's feet on healthcare. which i stated. and, in looking at my original post, is ALL i stated. and yet your problem with simple facts has spun you into some orbit of offense, insult and screed. i feel like the student who goes to visit his most beloved professor years later, and prof is slobbering on himself in a diaper screaming at the tv and ranting about an affair with Eleanor Roosevelt. Calm down. Have you eaten anything today? Maybe some warm milk?

Marley said...

If you want to play the game, don't get stung and backpedal when you're called on it.

You attribute the spike in violence to the hayseed nutjobs you feel are fueled by the irresponsible right, and so whenever there is a wack-attack, you relish putting it on the right even if the violence ends up having nothing to do with any political position (census taker) or the philosophy of the wacko is a mish-mash (the last 2).

You said it. Stand by it.

I have eaten today. Currently, I'm having your lunch.

Xmastime said...

im saying it is what it is. and you can try your little lawyer jedi-mind trick of transference (Im miffed at you, so Im not making my usual One L joke here) all you want (as if my pointing out anything is "stacking bodies up"), but facts are facts. obviously im not saying this means that every conservative is doing this. but that anger/violence IS growing, and we can either wonder where it's coming from, or we can choose to ignore it by acting offended by the truth in a "Rush is offended at being called a racist!" reverse-racism kind of way.

i will accept a private email if you're embarrassed to apologize in front of everybody else here. ill make you look good, like when Lou tells Jake he'll tell the team he begged him to come back and coach in Major League II.

Marley said...


You're just "wondering" where it's coming from.

My bad.

Xmastime said...

I eagerly await your anger about branding KSM as a terrorist without a thorough psychological exam, as well as a perusal thru his Amazon choices. "Khalid's Picks!"

Marley said...

I'm in no way shocked that you believe the designation requires additional evidence.

Xmastime said...

You've so far today designated me:

A reader of anti-Bush book propaganda

Do we need actual evidence for any of these? Or should I be thrown in the whacko hospital?

I feel like Ive written the joke for you here.

Also, thought my Eleanor bit would get a laugh

Marley said...

It can't be all yucks, turdly, lest we go the way of Larry Storch. If it is any consolation, and I doubt it would be, I'm similarly dickish to folks I know on the right (okay, the one other dude I know on the right) who lay the bodies at the hands of criminals to liberal permissiveness (or, more recently, the bodies racked up by the Fort Hood killer to political correctness).

For the record, "dumbass" and "dumber" were terms of endearment.

Xmastime said...

i accept your apology.

Marley said...

Suck it, Sasquatch.

Xmastime said...

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I fuck hot broads too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My roommate, Larry, likes me. My other roommate likes me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

Marley said...

Xmastime said...

my favorite part of the comments: the post-comments reviews!! :)