Wednesday, April 28, 2010


There are calls to boycott Arizona over it's newest desire to be more racist than any other state. From what I can tell Arizona's biggest export seems to be fucking assholes, so I will personally take a stand and not purchase any fucking assholes.

But just little ol' me doing such is just spitting in the wind. But what if the NFL did what it did about MLK Day, and says no more Super Bowls in AZ as long as this shit's still happening? What if all sports leagues did? And if you're not a lily-white Tim Tebow-ish dude, are you really gonna be popping a hammy to play sports at AU or ASU?

If Arizona wants to cleanse itself of brown people, it's probably off to a good start. And that way, this fucking asshole can do all the fruit-picking.


The Gnat said...

Racist? Isn't it really xenophobic? Whatevs.

Xmastime said...

also racist: Jeff Tweedy.

now ive done it!!!!!!