Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blown Opportunities, Part XXLVXCIIICIIV

A few years back I wrote about my CAREER IN PHYSICS.

One thing I didn't mention in that post is that we quickly figured out that the only way of getting out of some of football practice, which at that point was beyond brutal thanks to our new coach, all we had to do was say that we had to study with Mrs. Bame for an hour after school. And I am not shitting you when I say that when it was just the two of us in that room, she practically had her tongue in my ear while she was LITERALLY whispering into it about...whatever the fuck she was talking about; obviously I had no idea since I went on to major in paper football. I remember thinking "why is she so close to me? And whispering? THAT'S what ben-wah balls look like?"

Today I stumbled upon a picture of the teacher Mrs. Bame (the one in the yellow sweater)  from back then, and I gotta say. If those days were these days, ie teachers fucking students at every turn, I'd have hit that shit. Back then, it wasn't even a remote possibility of a thought. She was blowing in my ear, prolly had a hand on my leg, and there's no way it woulda crossed my mind. Dang.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Nice rack too.