Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Hey Look, Some Dudes Who Got More Ass Than Me. Awesome.

Because it showed up for free in my office, I read Hollywood Hellraisers this weekend. And while I was compelled to read it simply for a list of how much ass these dudes got, it basically reconfirmed the idea that non-fiction books are way too needlessly long. I mean, do we need 330+ pages of repeating

1) Dennis Hopper was crazy
2) Warren Beatty fucked every girl in the world
3) Jack Nicholson did too
4) Brando was a genius who loved practical jokes, and everybody was baffled by his reading of cue cards.


And over.

And over.


The one good thing to come out of it was that it compelled me to read A Streetcar Named Desire this morning. Now that's some good shit. It should catch on. Voulez-vous couchez avec Xmastime!!

Previous Xmastime Streetcar funny bear HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out Our Town if you haven't read. Good stuff.