Friday, April 09, 2010

Sniffy BS

Earlier today I poked a little bit of fun at the Sniffster HERE, and like clockwork she lights it up in her big speech at the WhateverthefuckgroupofRealAmericansitwas today:
Palin fired back during the Southern Republican Leadership Conference Friday: “Obama, with all the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a ‘community organizer…'”
Never-minding that 1) Obama is not a community organizer; in fact, he has been the President of the United States now for 15 months and  2) Obama wasn't talking about his own experience, he said he was comfortable taking the advice of the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, none of whom Sarah Palin is privy to, I think the oddest thing about this whole exchange is why was Obama asked his opinion on what she said in the first place? I mean, I thought the media was supposed to be a tool of left-wing liberal elitist wannabe socialists - why on Earth would they so excitedly give airtime to Palin and place her on the President's level by making him answer a question about her? Technically Palin is a private citizen who just happens to have the media following her around and hanging on every word. But so does Lindsay Lohan. Should Obama hafta answer answer to her too?

Ah, that liberal media bias at it again.

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