Wednesday, April 21, 2010

TV Suggestion

TV would be a lot more fun if people answered rhetorical questions. For instance, this just happened on Beverly Hills 90210:

Woman: Gina, are figure skating and house-sitting the only things you're mediocre at?
(cut to Gina glaring at woman silently in that "soap opera steaming glare" way, prolong stare....cut to commercial)

This doesn't happen in real life, does it? I mean, in this instance in the real world Gina would retort with SOMEthing, right? It should go like this:

Woman: Gina, are figure skating and house-sitting the only things you're mediocre at? 
Gina: Hmm, I'm not sure...(scrunches up face towards sky as if thinking very hard)...lemme think...nope, that's the entire list! (turns to Dylan/Boring Matt/Kelly, slaps five.)

I'm just saying.

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