Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

Mike Lupica and Bob Raissman of the Daily News have been in a decades-long race to determine the shittiest, say-nothing writer on the planet and today, right on schedule, they both have "written" "news articles" moaning and groaning at the fact that baseball announcers don't spend every moment of every broadcast screaming that A-Rod is a cheater who blew up the Twin Towers or that he hasn't been drawn & quartered by everyone else.

Look. I understand if you hate A-Rod and think he's some preening, Mickey Mouse glove-wearing douchebag and wanna revel in his ties to the whole juiced up stuff. And I understand if you feel that he betrayed the game of baseball and should be punished. I'm fine with anyone feeling that way. Anyone who reads this blog knows I'm an A-Rod lover, but I understand the above sentiments.

But why the fuck is this even a fucking story? Or did I accidentally pick up the copy of the paper printed for people who have been in comas? Two worthless "writers" for the Daily News in the middle of a Subway Series, and they're so fucking lazy this is the best they can come up with, a "story" their cats probably fucking farted out for them? Congrats, guys. I'd start clearing a spot for that Pulitzer.

"This just in: people aren't mean enough to A-Rod, read all about it!!!"

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