Saturday, May 29, 2010

White Shadow Quiz. Disappointed.

9 outta 13? Not good. Although attributed to something I've bitched about before, that no matter how many times I watched the show I couldn't nail down everybody's names.

Which, as I wrote HERE, doesn't make a racist, since I can't remember which Hickory Husker is which either:
One funny thing about the cast is no matter how many times I watch the show, maybe twice a day, I still can’t get the fucking names of the core group of 4 or so black guys straight. Call me a racist, but other than Coolidge I have no idea who’s who when coach is shouting out “Heyward! Thorpe! Jackson! Reese!” My only defense here is that a while back in this post I said the same about Hoosiers, so…apparently no matter what color you are - if you put on some tight shorts and run around a basketball court with a coupla other half-naked guys, my mind goes blank and I can’t remember your name.
My personality test line in the Hoosiers page linked is one of my favorites:
6) My personality test results here. Was really hoping I’d hit “Submit” and it would come back with “You’re Awesome!” or “Denzel –is that you??!?!!” I don’t know what any of it means, but apparently I’m a mix of Sally Struthers, Danny Glover and Donald Duck. I’m fat, too old for this shit and don’t wear pants. In other words, these tests are fucking dead-on. Wow.
Ha!  I used to be so funny!  Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, you've still got it.

...and your ability to remember a face, which would include it's color and other distinguishing features does not make you racist! Unless you are blind, most people are able to diffrentiate visually by these details. In the real world you should be able to know one person from the other by the fact that they LOOK different and not be ashamed of it! Don't deny your senses. Don't halfass your brain by jumpin on the idiot bandwagon. And don't be bragging about not remembering what color a person is. Useless at a crime scene. Pay attention and maybe you'll get the name too. Now GET OUT THERE!

The WHITE shadow