Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Are Counterfactuals Sexier Than Cameltoe?

I'm not one to do the ol' Katrina/Oil leak comparison, since to me theyre different in that in my eyes one was due to criminal negligence before the disaster and the other following it's disaster, but it is interesting to think of what would be different if Bush/Obama's disasters were switched. During Katrina, Bush's air of "what do I care about poor black people?" did not help in his Bush-is-moving-too-slowly case. Meanwhile, as the first African-American president it's easy to imagine Obama have a much different approach and history with that incident.

Meanwhile, if the oil thing happened on Bush's watch you can picture him calling in the National Guard and both he and Dick Cheney jumping into the hole itself to stop their precious oil from flowing out. And not because of the turtles.

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