Friday, June 11, 2010


I shot out of the gate like a comet, shining brilliantly for a single moment and then flaring out.

Chicken tenders with nacho cheese
Fries with nacho cheese
Huge italian sausage sandwich with nacho cheese
Pepperoni pizza
Cheeseburger with nacho cheese
Chicken fajita

By this time Op was claiming that I sounded like I was drunk on food, and I don't even think he was kidding. I was slurring, and giggling uncontrollably. The rest of the game I could only muster up nachos w/cheese, a hot dog with nacho cheese and chili and a bowl of ice cream and an ice cream sandwich. I was delirious. Unreal.

Dropped my bottle of water on the train. Bent over to pick it up and my body popped like a balloon. Wow. Pictures forthcoming, frightfully enough.

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