Friday, June 11, 2010


As World Cup fever has come upon us and we breathlessly await the USA's final rise to prominence, I thought I'd put together a list of "The World Cup Games America Has Played in That We Give the Most of a Fuck About." You can find it HERE. Please let me know if I've missed one.

You're welcome!  Enjoy the football tomorrow!


Unknown said...

How many intolerable Williamsburg hipsters are wearing soccer scarves and shit, sitting on barstools yammering about how, "This is the REAL football, man. Manchester and Arsenal, now THERE'S a rivalry, who cares about Eagles v. Giants. Though Eli is kind of a cool name, very Three Dog Night."

Kiko Jones said...

Williamsburg hipsters are intolerable even when they sleep...a buddy told me that some British politician just recently remarked that he liked his steak like USA's chances of advancing in the WC: rare.

You would think that people whose country hasn't won in 44 years would keep their traps shut, but no.