Tuesday, June 08, 2010

For My Sniffy Tells Me So

Whenever Sniffy "writes" something in her Facebook thingee that isn't mind-numbingly delusional or just a flat-out lie, I like to give her credit. So while her latest entry (heh heh heh) today plows through a coupla paragraphs of curiously "teaching" Obama on how to step in and take over despite the fact that of course according to herself there is no place for the federal government in today's world (she even thoughtfully slows down so Obama can follow along at times, using italics such whenever she writes "verify" so that he can understand what she's saying) along with her wringing her hands over the public's confidence in, and I quote within her timely post here, "drill, baby, drill" being shaken by Obama's handling of the catastrophe and not, presumably, the catastrophe itself, there is in fact a moment that actually, coming from her, makes total sense:
To fellow baffled Americans:
Hey, now who says she's isn't self-aware?

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