Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Pretty in the Stink

Of the Sixteen Candles/Breakfast Club/Pretty in Pink John Hughes hat trick I'd hafta say my least favorite is Pretty in Pink. The whole loser, jobless dad who cries about the mother is just too depressing, which when coupled with Duckie being the face of cringingly pathetic teen boy brokenhearted unrequited love only serves to distract the viewer into being reminded that Molly Ringwald isn't really all that hot and that it makes no sense that uber-richie rich James Spader even goes to the school in the first place, trolling through the halls in his breezy, summer cotton suits.

Also, I realize I haven't been on one since about 1962 but was that the worst first date of all time? Wtf?

Sixteen Candles goes above it if only for the genius clashing of the cymbals every time Long Duck Dong comes onscreen.

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