Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sniffy Bear: Juuuuuuuuuuust Right.

Sniffy on her Facebook is blathering on and on about "Mama Grizzlies" around the country running for office, since I guess we're very interested in those rarest of women who aren't indifferent to their children being attacked by others running the show from here on out. Oh look, and one of them even has her very own stage prop child with, as Palin says, "extra chromosomes," which apparently is a big plus since it means she has experience dealing with fucking retards challenges. That's pretty freaking stupid awesome!

For fairness and balance, I feel I owe to my old friend Theodore to check in with actual grizzly bears to see what they think of Palin's labeling her endorsements as "Grizzly Mamas."

"Please stop lumping us in with your inane bullshit. You are a fucking idiot. Please shut the fuck up."

Oh, here's a "Papa Bear" that wishes to speak up on this:

"Yo!  Your mouf, my balls!"

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