Thursday, June 17, 2010

Titties? Love' em.

The "conservative" philosophy is really coming to light now, isn't it? If you're Joe Q. Public and are having a hard time despite your own best efforts you need to have some responsibility and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, and if you're a multi-billion dollar corporation whose reckless zeal for even more money has resulted in death and destruction you are to be apologized to for the mere suggestion of having to take responsibility.

Personally I like this, and I wanna be on that side of things, not the side I'm on, aka the "sucker" side. I'd be Froghorn Leghorn, apologizing to The Colonel whenever one of the birds complained about his fate. I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about, but I fucking love me some goddam KFC, and how the FUCK have I not tried the Double Down yet? Some things make no goddam sense. Oooh, I'd be the house slave, apologizing to Massah whenever one of the field slaves got a tad uppity. Hey, is it racist bringing up black people after fried chicken? Hell no, and do you know why? Unlike you maries, I don't see color. White meat, dark meat I don't give a fuck, I eat that shit and wipe the grease off my face with a gotdam biscuit. Original's the best, but do I turn down extra crispy? HEEEEEELLL no. Just like making billions, that shit's delish. Even the fake potatoes are edible drowned in the gravy, and I slurp up the macaroni and cheese through a chicken bone like it's a straw. I lso love big titties, which I'd be getting a lot more of if I was one of these BP dudes. I'd spend my day licking chicken grease off titties while drawing Marley's portrait, complete with Scrooge McDuck vest and piles of gold dubloons. Nom nom nom!!!!

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