Wednesday, June 30, 2010

TV Review

I love Louis C.K. I love his standup, and I loved his HBO show. So I was incredibly disappointed in the premiere of his show on FX last night, which was pretty unwatchable.

But what I don't get is that the show was aired at all. These shows take months to create, which I would think would be plenty of time to watch the episode and realize "okay, this is terrible." Hell, it would've been a lot better if they had said "fuck it, let's just have Louis stand there and talk for half an hour."

Dude's a lot funnier than this show. Either the next episode will be amazing, or it will be cancelled in about two weeks. Either way, HBO needs to start re-airing Lucky Louie!

1 comment:

rrthur said...

i agree for the most part, but the 2nd episode was much funnier than the 1st. i could see it working down the line