Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do Stop Believin'

Earlier today HERE I suggested people stop taking Andrew Breitbart's videos seriously, something that Paul Krugman also writes:
What’s shocking here isn’t the behavior of the right, which was par for the course. It’s the seemingly limitless credulity of the inside-the-Beltway crowd. I mean, there’s a history here: ACORN, Climategate, Vince Foster, Whitewater, and much much more. (Someone recently reminded me that the GOP held two weeks of hearing on the Clinton Christmas card list.) When the right-wing noise machine starts promoting another alleged scandal, you shouldn’t suspect that it’s fake — you should presume that it’s fake, until further evidence becomes available.
Give right-wingers some credit here. They still refuse to believe in global warming despite mountains of evidence; meanwhile the left runs around shrieking like a mouse just walked into the room with a chainsaw whenever Breitbart & Co. just flat make up nonsensical bullshit.

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