Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't Worry, the Nonsense Will Be Over Soon Enough

Mini-Sniffy has some peculiar thoughts on how government should be run if the GOP takes over come November:
BACHMANN: Well I think that’s all we should do. I think all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another and expose all the nonsense that has gone on.
Oh, Crazy Lady. Nothing last forever, even cold batshit November reign. I think I might wanna hold my own hearings if this actually happened.

HEARING #1: "Seriously now, how fucking retarded ARE the people from Minnesota?"

HEARING #2: "Is batshit contagious?"

HEARING #3: "Will somebody please give Bachmann a ball of yarn to play with so we can try to run the country?"

HEARING #4: "I never said I wouldn't hit it, I said she's fucking retarded."

HEARING #5: "I'm still waiting for an explanation re: replacing Jessie and Kelly with Tory during Zack's senior year."

HEARING #6: "The blacks. I mean, really?"

HEARING #7: "Does your bubblegum lose it's flavor if it's stuck to my cock?"

HEARING #8: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was elected to Congress over this fucking idiot?"

: "Can Congress trade Michelle Bachmann to The Jersey Shore for Snooki?"

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