Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Earlier tonight I remarked to a friend of mine that today was the first time I had ever noticed two people holding Kindles on the train ("GIT the motherfuckin' Kindles off my motherfuckin' train!!!) - one in the morning, one in the evening. I never see them, so I was a little bit "hmmm" (and a whoooooole lotta horny!)

Just now I see, via Sully, THIS:
Amazon.com Inc. said it reached a milestone, selling more e-books than hardbacks over the past three months.

But publishers said it is still too early to gauge for the entire industry whether the growth of e-books is cannibalizing sales of paperback books, a huge and crucial market.
I still stand by what I wrote about the whole Kindle thing a year or so ago, but I can't find it, so fuck it, but I know I prolly said the same shit before the cell fone, or the internet, or  putting peanut butter on my balls and walking through the dog park, so.

Oh look, I pissed on the whole industry HERE anyways, so.

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