Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Politics of Dancing

Obama needs to reinstate the woman.

He needs to say "hey, we fucked up, this is what happens when we take people like Andrew Breitbart seriously" and move on. To think that he will lose a single vote is absurd - Breitbart's fans are the same 26% that would vote for Bush, Palin, or Jesus Christ showing up for The Rapture before the next NFL season kicks off. He's not winning those people over anyways. Do the right thing, let Beck et al go crazy, let it go, and move on.


Marley said...

You dummy. The perfect storm of mau-mauing, and you miss its import.

NAACP calls Tea Party racist.

Breitbart calls NAACP racist.

NAACP disavows the woman.

White House pressure Agriculture to excommunicate her.

Whitey farmer backs her.

Turns out, she was in the middle of a "I was racist, but I realized we're all in this together."

Everybody scrambles for the political high ground because, you know, no one really believes the racist tag. It's a tactic. A way to make bank. Like when journalists commiserate to say "hey, just call them racists and then they'll get off Obama's back" (something even Andrew Sullivan condemned).

He he he he he.

That's what happens when you play the race card in 2010. A whole lotta' collateral damage. A whole lot of bullshit.

You're the only fat fuck who thinks he's still at Carver High.

Buit I agree - the White House should remedy its gutless push to dump her.

Marley said...

Wait. I screwed up.

This whole thing reflects very poorly on Sniffy and Bush.


I'm back on board.

Xmastime said...

Hopefully Barry is embarrassed, and maybe shouldnt pop a hammy jumping up to act the next time Breitbart puts out one of his "videos."

Marley said...

Barry's got no inside game. He's all perimeter. When he's on, he'll light you up. But throw him an elbow, he panics and gets all World B Free. Starts jacking. Ends up cornholing a sista' who was kicked to the curb, and the only person who stood up for her was some whitey farmer's wife who is probably Tea Party through and through.

That's my kind of teachable moment. You can't write this shit. It's like "Network." Good, good stuff.

But it's probably Sniffy's fault.

Xmastime said...

DONT blame Sniffy!! besides, she's too busy trying to declare gay email lists as media conspiracies! and that Ground Zero mosque isnt going to build and blow up itself, dammit!!!!!!!

Marley said...

Fuckin' mosque on Ground Zero.

Let's double down and have a Riefenstahl retrospective at Treblinka.

Time for another Crusade, my brotha'. These fucks are clipping clitori at a record pace.

Pack up some Cheetos and let's go get some.

Xmastime said...

"Where were YOU when you first heard Marley's Cheetos clarion call to action?"

"Buying Cheetos!"

Marley said...

When I say I don't like blacks, its ironic, a little hip. You know, wink, nod.

But I do hate me some Muslims. They're like the protagonists in "Telefon" but you don't have to call them before they explode.

And they hate titties AND The Rocker.

So, I'm not going to pretend here.

Lock and load, Freeto Bandido. Lock and load.

Xmastime said...

im gonna give you a chance to retract what you said re: them hatin' on the (on right now!) Rocker.

i mean..they cant be THAT evil, right?

(cue voice of Daniel Stern over the sounds of "Turn! Turn! Turn!")
"...and that's when I realized my years of innocence were over, and I would always look back on them with wonder..."