Saturday, August 07, 2010

For Some Reason

Today just FEELS like a Sgt. Pepper day, right?

Friday, September 04, 2009

Sgt. Pepper

Ah yes, I have seen this Making of Sgt. Pepper doc; I remember it from back in the days when the Anthology came out, 1995. I remember Mr. Burns George Martin playing the tape of Strawberry Fields Forever and isolating the percussion and it was BEYOND fucking incredible to hear.

Still funny to me that as kids Brothatime!! and I would listen to this record in the back of the library where my mother worked.

Also Martin just groaned re: not putting Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane on the record, like I (well, like millions of people) wrote HERE. Staggeringly to think of how an already-absurdly good album would be with those two cuts on it. Would make my SGT PEPPER BY THE SLICE list ;)

And then there's more of my BRILLIANCE HERE:
Meanwhile, from 1963 – mid 1966 the Beatles, while completely changing modern culture as we know it, put out 7 full-length albums, several EPs, 13 singles (6 of which the A side (and plenty of time both sides, actually) wasn't on albums at all) and, just for kicks, were in two movies (one of which is an actual classic.) I will not even bore you with blatherings about the amazing quality of all of this material. All that work in just about 3 years…and yet when several months passed after Revolver with no music coming out from the fellas, the public was ready to pack it in. “Oh well, they had their day, they’re over.” While there are many people that still would still love the old records, the general mood was “time to move on.” Of course the public was soon hit with Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane and then Sgt Pepper, and that was it for any “they’re done” talk.

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