Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good Question

Since I'm a commie-loving pinko fag liberal I'm perfectly fine leaving feelings and touchy-feely faux-Nationalism/Jesus loving out of my decisions when choosing political candidates (except for John Edwards - his father was a goddam mining hero!!!), so I've always been in awe of how easily over the last decade Republicans have been led around by their noses to fight culture wars to distract them from achieving such things as shrinking government and curbing spending. This guy HERE at Sully's asks the Tea Party why they're letting themselves get wrapped up in the NYC "mosque controversy" when in the end it will only backfire on what they claim they're actually concerned about.

What I'd like you to do is to reflect upon the sudden controversy over the construction of a mosque and community center near Ground Zero. Forget about the merits of the issue. Is it good for your agenda that this is suddenly the most controversial matter in America? Doesn't it worry you when the public conversation shifts into culture war territory, where right-of-center politicians can garner votes and support without having to address the issues you ostensibly care about most? A campaign about the bank bailouts, health care reform, and deficit reduction might be more difficult to win, but victory would give the GOP a mandate to reverse the worst excesses of the Obama domestic agenda.

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