Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Am Merely Curious

How the anti-gubment, faux-libertarian, Constitution/personal rights/freedom-loving Sniffy-Wiffy would feel if downtown Manhattan socialism-loving uber-elite snobs decided to stick their noses in when she built that fence behind her house? Or that hockey rink that almost bankrupted Wasilla? What if a bunch of anti-American New Yorkers decided they should be telling her which kind of snakes to be handling during church on Sundays?

So far it seems that the number of national celebrity pretend political candidates who are "outraged!" is greater than the number of people that actually live in downtown NYC who are bothered at the idea of the Cordoba House Community Center being built there.

Maybe their real problem is in calling it a "community center"? Is that a signal that there will be a flood of "community organizers", and we all know how that turned out?

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