Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Interesting Question

And yes, I know that questioning how people would react if racial roles were reveresed is worse than actually being racist, so save the comments unless you have something remotely interesting to add.

Here's fizzychizzy from the comments on YouTube:
I think people fail to realize that this song isn't about the Tea Party necessarily being racist. it is a testimony to how their outlandish remarks and actions are accepted. if a large group of black people acted like the members of the tea party, they would be arrested immediately. Could you imagine a group politicians having to walk through a crowd of loud angry black people yelling at them because they passed a law they didn't like? there is a double standard.

Mukluks: GodIHateYourWhitePeople

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we can expect to see more dark skinned Americans of African and/or other descent out there this Saturday in DC as MLK daughter will be participating in GB's little get together.