Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Piew

Apparently they're thinking about putting together a men's version of The View:
The newspaper reports that Walters and partner Bill Geddie are "quietly developing a 'unisex' spinoff of 'The View' that will attempt to inject a male perspective into the topics of the day."
Walters and Geddie are reportedly eyeing Bryant Gumbel to moderate the show; other potential show hosts include "Ugly Betty" actor Alec Mapa, former Fox News host E.D. Hill, and ex-BET News anchor Jacque Reid.
 I need to be on this show!!!!!!!!!!!!
And for months now I've thought about how I could weasel my way into being on the show - I think a dude like me would be a perfect regular on the show. Just smart enough to know what to say, just dumb enough to ask the right questions re: being a woman et al. I'd be great!!!!

But it prolly won't happen. Now my dream is to film a man's The View every day. Not that lameass Bonnaduce/AC Slater show from years back. We'll talk current events, food, and what the fuck is up with women. Some sports, but that's too obvious. We'll lay it all out every day re: what it's like being a man today. This will prolly have to include a daily report on my nose hairs, which I am currently tripping over.

So. I just need a volunteer out there to fund the whole thing. We can film it at my "office" - hey, Short Bus can be a part of every show!! I'll supply the dudes, you supply the salaries/equipment/interns et al.

Let's do this!!


rrthur said...

they already did this a few years back. that creepy show with dick clark, danny bonaduce and mario lopez

The Gnat said...

I remember Slater. It sucked.

Xmastime said...

that was terrible. but it looks like this will be a mix, no?

Kiko Jones said...

Yeah, that Clark/Bonaduce/Lopez thing was incredibly lame.

Anonymous said...

it would need to be shot either in a bar or on a park bench.