Sunday, August 01, 2010


I don't think it's a secret that liberals are "disappointed" in Obama, but to think for one moment that anyone who voted for Obama in 2008 wants to say "fuck it" and turn back the reigns of power to the Right are insane. Sure Obama hasn't been as liberal as I want - but lets be honest,  as a real, functioning government that's impossible, same as a government fueled entirely by "conservative" ideals such as no taxes + endless wars. But would I really for even one moment prefer that John  Boehner, who insists on not reading actual words and numbers, was in charge? Of course not! Obama at his worst is better than that; Democrats need to be wary of the frog that jumps out of the boiling pot of water and, after spending 5 seconds without being blown by Megan Fox and drafted by the Lakers, jumps back into the pot. Let's be honest: making out with Elizabeth Perkins and playing for the Clippers is better than being boiled alive. Let's keep some perspective, people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please. You were had. Hope and Change. LOL! "Yes We Can!" Reminded me of a Mussolini rally. He is an empty suit, nothing more.

And no my portly fella, this is not an advert for Sarah the Twit.