Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Post Prolly Only The Gnat Will Care About Besides Me

About 12 years ago I went to see some band of a friend of mine, I can't even remember who, and the opening band was setting their shit up onstage, and one of them was a smoking hot blonde chick. And since this was back in the Dark Ages when I approached live women ands spoke to them, I walked up to her and blah blah blah, and asked her what she played in the band and she answered "vibes." I was blown away - I thought wow, this girl is so hot that her job in the band is to just stand around the room and spread around good vibes? I was smitten!

Of course once they started playing I realized that the vibes are an actual percussion instrument, so I felt like an idiot. Luckily, I did not get my snout up in her rim anyway.

Anyhoo, that band's name was Grand Champeen. I know or care nothing about them since that night, and have no idea if she's still in the band, but apparently the other night in Minneapolis they played an entire set of old Soul Asylum slices. It's a pretty amazing set list, certinaly one I would love to see Soul Asylum do themselves as it would blow the roof off the joint. Ah well.

You can download it HERE.

* - superslice
** -  super SUPER slice

01 All the Kings
02 Tied to the Tracks *
03 Closer to the Stars **
04 Easy Street *
05 Crashing Down **
06 Marionette *
07 Can't Go Back **
08 Sometime to Return **
09 Chains **
10 Broken Glass **
11 Sun Don't Shine
12 Stranger **
13 Long Way Home **
14 Spinnin' **
15 Never Really Been **
16 Standing in the Doorway
17 Nowhere to Go **
18 Made to be Broken *
19 Freaks **
20 Be On Your Way
21 Cartoon **
22 Heavy Rotation *
23/24 medley


The Gnat said...

My exposure to The National, which comes from good recommendations, hasn't hooked me. This concept sounds great. Lets see if they can pull it off.

dish said...

I'm thinking it was Champale playing with Grand Champeen. Champale had a hot vibe player circa 12 years ago. Grand Champeen rule. Buy their last album, Dial T for This.

Xmastime said...

Champale! yes! youre exactly right :)