Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This Sunday's Mad Men

Might have been my favorite episode ever.

All office stuff, just like I beg for every week. Tons of great Roger moments that the character was made for. Incredibly revealing and important flashbacks. Cosgrove's back in the mix to drive Pete crazy. And,. just when I thought I had no more itches to scratch, Duck makes an appearance and he's bombed. Don winning a Cleo on the same night as the Emmys is (insert whatever German word for synergy like that is.) This one will be tough to top.

Nice wrapup HERE.
Don's next move, he presumptuously shows up in the lobby of the office. Roger's been ignoring his messages and condescendingly acknowledges him, "Oh the fur guy, " but Don charms him, "weren't you trying to get a break once?" No, actually he wasn't because it was his father's company. But he still gives in and Don hits on his weakness--says he'll do anything to buy him a drink. They go out, they talk and drink, Don doesn't get anywhere. Strike two. But, aha, Roger gets so drunk that Don sees an opening. He puts him in a cab, and then shows up for work the next morning and tells Roger he hired him at lunch. "You said welcome aboard." He realized Roger was too drunk to remember not hiring him, so he pretends he did. Roger just looks confused and they get into the elevator together. And that's how the famous Don Draper got his start. How perfect. In true Don Draper fashion, it was self-created, made up, another lie.


Anonymous said...

You don't find the new Rhoda-like receptionist a bit much? Still waiting for this show to get interesting.

Xmastime said...

i agree, she's a bit much. one line an episode should be enough.