Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Strange Currencies

Ironically, these are often the same people that somehow trust the government when it comes to sending troops around to get shot at. No one’s been right for one minute in the last six years, everything has been proven to be a lie, but these people pop a hammy springing up “hold on, wait a minute, let’s give these guys a chance, let’s see what happens!!” Interesting. Blindly accept lie after lie and body parts in Hefty bags coming back, that’s okay, we need to trust the government then. But making it so that I can get a flu shot without blowing a coupla dudes out back, oh no no no, there’s no way we can trust the government then.

What about the fire departments? I know it’s not the federal government, but it’s local government, still publicly funded et al. If one of these people’s house is on fire, do they not call the local fire house? “Oh no don’t call them, I don’t trust the government! Call…Wayne. I guess.” It’s absurd. - XMASTIME
Some dude via Sully HERE:
For me, the strangest and most off-putting element of the day was the disjuncture between the anti-authority dimension of the rally - our leaders have disappointed us and must be called to account! - and the whole-hog deference to militarism - we need to thank our soldiers for following orders so honorably and self-sacrificingly. While there were plenty of wounded soldiers on the stage, there was absolutely zero discussion of why these guys were being sent overseas and whether we should expect the same pols who lie to us on domestic policy to be any better on foreign policy. 
People are funny. Hey, it's like a "professor" at my Almost Matters used to say: "That's the problem with people: they're only human.

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