Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sniffy Libs

I'm really starting to thing that Sniffy is just kinda mailing in those Facebook endorsements of hers; I wonder if she really knows anything about these people at all. And since she's already way too busy cutting and pasting passages from real books to put together for her next best-seller,  I thought I'd make life a little easier for her, and made up this OFFICIAL SNIFFY FACEBOOK ENDORSEMENT MAD-LIB. You're welcome, Sniff Sniff!!

I’m honored to endorse (name of batshit Tea Partier) for (name a political office that is powerful enough to cause considerable damage if a complete fucking idiot is placed in it) of (name of state that is in desperate economic need of whatever the exact opposite of what this person has to offer is). (name of batshit Tea Partier) is a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment commonsense conservative and a firm believer in (name a few tenets that Tea Partiers spout on and on about that don’t actually exist.) As a former (name a corporate hack job that even he can't explain) and current small business owner, (batshit Tea Partier) has the private sector experience that is so lacking in government today. He knows how to (name something that gets Tea Partiers wound up that nobody has any real intention of doing but sells out those Obama as the Dark Knight posters) to get our economy moving again. Together with his running mate for (name an underlying political office), (batshit Tea Partier who can't be the top dog and lead the pack even when it comes to this group of useless retards), (batshit Tea Partier) will provide (name of state that is in desperate economic need of whatever the exact opposite of what this person has to offer is) with principled and (name some vague virtues of integrity that imply Obama is obviously lacking in them.)

Please join me in supporting (batshit Tea Partier) by visiting and following him on (name a few social networks originally intended for junior high school girls and feature quizzes such as "which Saved by the Bell character am I?")

ed note: if endorsing a woman, please replace all the above with "is a Mama Grizzly." 

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