Wednesday, August 04, 2010

What's Next, Homocrafts?

Matt Yglesias points to the wisdom of car-sharing plans HERE, and it sounds really great.
Then, having bought a car and already committed to incurring most of the price of ownership (sale price, insurance, etc.) you may as well drive it a lot. Convenient short-term car rentals change the calculus—the amount you pay is pretty strictly proportional to the amount you drive, so you’ll still drive in circumstances when car-use is genuinely valuable to you, but in other circumstances you won’t drive. That leaves more money in your pocket for other uses and less pollution in the air
But then you realize that everybody not buying their own cars is a slippery slope to riding around on bikes like European homos, which of course leads to marrying your pet snake and getting paid by Obama to kiss dudes at the doctor's office and worship Stalin, so...I'm gonna hafta say "pass" on Yglesias' march to making the back fart, as wildly funny as it is, our national anthem.

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