Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Born to Sniff

Apparently the word on the street is that Sniffy Wiffy was booed last night on Dancing with the Stars, including HERE. I can't really say why the crowd would do that - isn't she simply just another hack pretend politician using her kid to get in front of millions and millions of people for some free publicity for her upcoming copy-and-paste "book " Mama Grizzly looking to support her children?

Also, maybe what people don't realize is that while what they THOUGHT they heard was "booooooooooo!!!", maybe it wasn't that at all. For instance, I've been to several Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen shows (yes, I've met him, but seriously, you know I don't like to talk about that shit, this isn't about me, or me and Bruce, whom I've met (along with his wife/sister/mama/Uncle Juan.)) Throughout any Springsteen show, the crowd is constantly shouting 'BRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCE!!" which, to an undiscerning ear, might sound like "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Certainly the crowd recognizes Palin to be what they also see in Springsteen, a hard-working "regular Joe" who simply wants to do good work for "the folks", and in recognizing such selflessness they were in fact shouting out 'BRUUUUUUUUUUUUCE!!!" to note the similarities between the two working-class heroes. After all, Bruce makes a point during every concert to urge people to donate food to their local food banks, and Palin practically does the same by suggesting to a FOX-fueled audience that Obama is Hitler times Stalin, so it's kinda six in one hand, half-dozen in the other, right?  So perhaps the crowd wasn't saying "you're absolute fucking retarded pig-trash and you need to stop staining this nation with your very presence," they were saying "play Thunder Road, we love you and your tireless efforts to help those less fortunate than yourself!!!"

I mean, camon people. Keep an open mind, for chrissake.

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