Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Goodfellas: Overrated?

This month marks the 20th Anniversary of Goodfellas, and a coupla fellas HERE debate the question "Is Goodfellas overrated?"

While like everyone else on the planet I've seen it a gazilLion times since it's always on, I'm not a film or Scorcese expert so I'll leave the details to you film nerds, but I would guess that when it comes to anything THAT big, THAT successful that has become so embedded in pop culture, along with a director for whom all the same things could also be said, of COURSE it's probably over-rated. How can it not be? And really, is anybody worried Goodfellas hasn't gotten enough praise in the last two decades anyway? It's probably not the "genius" film that a movie starts to become in the psyche of generations who are used to it being plastered on the tv 24/7/365, but what possibly could be?

Conversely, the only things UNDER-rated in this world so far are Dutch and The Equals. And hell, both of them made my Xmastime Hall of Fame, so. even they're getting some cred   ;)

ps - and, of course, PETER LEROY!

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