Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Braylon Edwards

Braylon Edwards didn't learn his lesson when he was in the car a few years ago when Dante Stallworth plowed over a guy and killed him, so to think he's going to "learn anything" from being benched for a whole quarter (wow!) is laughable. But then, the Jets are fucking laughable.

Rex Ryan has two kids. Of course I'm not wishing it upon them, but if they get plowed over by a drunk driver, one place you will not be hearing a lot of boo-hooing "poor Rex!" will be on this blog. Once you've signaled that you're okay with a guy getting behind the wheel with twice the level of alcohol in his system as is legal and shooting a weapon that weighs several tons down the street at whatever miles per hour, you've forfeited the right for me to give two shits when it bites you in the ass.

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