Friday, September 03, 2010

How to Save the Country, by Me.

1) We have a shit-ton of people that need work.
2) We have a shit-ton of roads and bridges that need to be repaired, broadband laid etc.
3) Putting these people to work will put cash in their pockets.
4) Which they'd spend it at "beloved small businesses."
5) Which would give the beloved small business enough money and, more importantly, a REASON to hire more people.
6) Meaning now we'd have people spending more money at expanding businesses along with the added bonus that the odds of a bridge collapsing and killing people has been reduced (which, to me, sounds like value for money.)

Of course this will not actually happen since somehow, like the word "progressive" has become a 4-letter word, anything that reeks of a WPA-styled movement (you know, like when the Greatest Generation was pulling itself up by it's bootstraps) is to be sneered at as "welfare," and we all know by now that the only noble welfare is that for corporations or the military (ie, the same thing.)

Meanwhile, it looks like we're gonna fall for the same 'ol "tax cuts are the only solution!" trap and make sure we spend another 10 years in the same situation. Hmm.

I am not an economist, I am merely a man who happens to have the world's largest penis, so it's no wonder that I can't grasp how tax cuts would spur businesses to hire more people (particularly since such policy has been so dynamite over the past decade. cough.) despite the fact that there's still not people out there with wads of cash they're looking to spend at said businesses, unless it's to hire a bunch of people just for the sake of hiring them, but then you'd be asking businesses to participate in a sort of welfare system that certainly belies the American bald eagle.

Ah, yes. The cycle of death.


Anonymous said...

OR...YOU and start a business. Tie-dyed T-shirts are making a HUGE comeback. You can order white Ts and the dye online for WAY less (about 2 bucks a shirt) than you'd expect to pay in a store. Try 50 shirts to start...and sell them to EVERYONE you know. The profits are HUGE. HUGE. HUGE. Soon you'll be GIVING them away to the poor. THINK ABOUT IT.

Anonymous said...

you CAN do it!!!!

The Gnat said...

You forget that the welfare system in its current state ensures that no person who gets the gov'ment dole would dare to work for more than a dime more than they make "jus kickin it." Until we reverse that irresponsible dependence on the Obama-wet-dream plan as it exists and can only dream to be(which can't be eliminated when so many ill-informed votes are at stake), it won't happen. Love your simplistic step-by-step approach to the innate societal problem that forbode the end of our world dominance. YORF!

Xmastime said...

"the Obama-wet-dream plan"

how come welfare wasnt eliminated when the GOP was in power?

ba-ZING!!!! did i just blow your mind??!?!?!?!


also, some people might think that launching pre-emptive wars without actually thinking them through might have "forebode the end of our world dominance" more than a small percentage of people that willfully take advantage of an entitlement program. there's always gonna be people who "ruin it for everybody else." just look at me and Lora Comb's titties in English class, for example.