Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bristol Palin: Two-Face?

GEORGE: So, attractive one day - not attractive the next?
JERRY: Have you come across this?
GEORGE: Yes, I am familiar with this syndrome -- she's a two-face.
JERRY: (Relating) Like the Batman villain?
GEORGE: (Annoyed) If that helps you..
JERRY: So, if I ask her out again - I don't know who's showing up: The good, the bad, or the ugly.
GEORGE: (Identifying what Jerry said) Clint Eastwood!
JERRY: Yeah.
GEORGE: Hey, check this out. I gotta give out Christmas presents to everyone down at Kruger, so I'm pulling a Whatley. (Give a Christmas card to Jerry)
JERRY: (Reading it) "A donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund." - What is that?
GEORGE: (With pride) Made it up.
JERRY: (Continuing reading) "The Human Fund. Money for people."
GEORGE: What do you think?
JERRY: It has a certain understated stupidity.
GEORGE: (Once again, Identifying) The Outlaw of Josey Whales!
JERRY: ..Yeah.

Lil Sniffs is frustrating because, her youthful chunkiness notwithstanding, I can't tell if she's potentially hot or not. One second I'll be like you know, I'd hit it, and then she'll slightly move and it's like a kaliedoscope from do-worthy to my dick running back into my guts. Baffling.

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