Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

This genius via Sully is pleased as punch with himself for just now coming up with "we'll solve the climate crisis when self-interested entrepeneurs become interested in solving it":
[I]magine a diverse world in which for every 100 citizens; there are 97 Homer Simpsons and 3 Spocks. The self interested second group can and will smell an economic opportunity. The sheer desperation and suffering that the Homers will suffer from as climate change unfolds means that a huge market is available for those entrepreneurs who seize the day. The irony here is that while the Homers smugly believe in technological optimism, their collective willingness to pay for a “bailout” actually helps to make this happen. Part of my optimism about our future in the face of climate change is my belief in induced innovation as self interested entrepreneurs seek out the potential opportunities caused by climate change.
WEEEELLLLL, welcome to Xmastime in the previous decade, professor!!

What about titties? Are they awesome? Hey, just now watching Hoosiers? Is it good?

Christ. It's fucking exhausting being years ahead of you people. I wish I was merely handsome with an absurdly-oversized dick, but no; I gotta be the greatest fucking thinker on this planet too. Fucking hell.

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