Saturday, September 11, 2010

Strange Currencies.

I just flipped over to VH1 for some reason, probably because I didn't get into a good college, and Steve Perry's Oh, Sherrie was on. For some reason that song has a Sister Christian-esque quality to it; both in the look, the sound, and I guess it was out at the same time, tweaking my Wonder Years-esque nostalgia for 7th grade along with now knowing that one day I'll be nostalgic about the day I used the -esque suffix twice in the same sentence. I am the Suffix Ninja!

But I must say. Anyone else surprised this was his only hit? I mean, whaterver you wanna say about Journey, they pumped out some massive hits, and then his first try outta the gate solo he hits a home run. And then nothing. Strange.

Also strange? As I was thinking about all this, I stumbled up this graph.

Whack, bro.

Oh, and just in case I'm not bawling enough since I'm also watching Beautiful Girls right now for the 19000th time, here's Sister Christian.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is there any way Bielanko doesn't absolutely kill it with a jangly banjo-filled cover of "Oh, Sherry"? Get on it, fella.