Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hollywood. Grr.

An early scene in Beautiful Girls was the impetus for this from 2+ years ago. Still drives me bananas.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Officially Begging Hollywood to Boycott...

the "oh look, they're SO close, they all know each other SO well that each guy not only knows what the other is gonna do even if he says he's not, but both the liar and the lied-to knows the liar is lying, but does it anyway, which the lied-to knows" scene.

Par exampla:

Tom, Dick and Harry at diner, Harry gets up to leave

Harry: alright, Im outta here. Goin home.
Tom: don't go to Jane's!
Harry: I'm not!
Tom: don't go to Jane's!
Harry: I'm not!
Tom: I'm telling you, don't go to Jane's!
Harry: I told you, I'm not!
Tom: don't do it! (Harry out the door. Tom and Dick stare off into space at Harry. Looooong pause.)
Dick: He's going to Jane's.
Tom: Yee-up (swig of java)


ps - an even worse ending is the cluck/repeat line/shake head/java, a la:

Dick: He's going to Jane's.
Tom: (just as Dick gets last word outta mouth) HE'S going to Jane's (swig of java)

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