Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This Is Part of the Problem.

Here's a comment from Anonymous (of course) in my O'Donnell post earlier:
Submitting oneself to attempts by carefully scripted individuals whose sole purpose is not to inform but to undermine core values such as one's belief in God by trying to make them appear foolish before millions of viewers is not wise.
Of course, by "carefully scripted individuals whose sole purpose is not to inform but to undermine," he/she means "not FOX News." I suppose since Anonymous is a fan of Ms. O'Donnell, he/she is fine with being left in the dark and being treated as the baffled herd that will do what they're told. What about a criminal record? Is that off limits if a candidate says so? "Sure!" says Anonymous, "if he/she is on my side!"

Also, is Anonymous implying that O'Donnell doesn't feel strongly enough about her own beliefs to stand up to the "lamestream" media? Surely Ms. O'Donnell's "core values" can take a few hits from Jon Stewart, no? Scared that ol' meany Bill Maher will get in a few yucks about you, are we, Christine?  Wow, such courage of her own convictions! So brave! Yeah, very impressive, indeed. And why does Anonymous assume O'Donnell will look foolish? Looks to me like Anonymous doesn't really believe O'Donnell is up to the job any more than O'Donnell does. The difference is, at least O'Donnell will probably get a career and $$$ out of this, while Anonymous will be left standing there feeling like an idiot.

Say, I wonder what Anonymous would think if two seconds after his swearing in Obama had said "Surprise! I'm a Muslim!!" I guess Anonymous would would appreciate his desire to keep such things out of the public realm so as to not "appear foolish before millions of viewers." Of course.

It's one thing to be ignorant. But the DEMAND to be ignorant is, I must say, a brand new level.


Anonymous said...

and he TAKES the bait!

Anonymous said...


Whoa...what happened to wanting them all to sit down and shut up? What you don't enough material with which to decimate her character? The woman says she dabbled in witchcraft. Does she consult her spirit guide and rely upon psychics and horoscopes to plot her next move? Check the record. She has publicaly renounced these tools of the occult. Still, you don't hear hear the same old beat of the same old drum, stirring up all kinds of concern and doubt as expected. Pre-election. You'll hear and read plenty about this lady in the weeks to follow without the aid of televised interviews. In the meantime, she is campaigning as would any other candidate so she can hopefully win this election and pursue the task at hand, Quietly.

Xmastime said...

yeah, good luck with that. i look forward to the next candidate you champion, ie whomever Palin/Rush annoint who will then be scurried off into a dark closet to not be seen or heard from until after the election, and who the hell do you think you are for even having the balls to ask him or her a question? a strange Democracy you crave. much like the GOP's "Master Plan" on saving the universe that they wont tell anybody about until after youve been ordered to vote for them, I guess.

i aslo look forward to her inevitable Playboy spread. if you dont think thats coming, youre (incredibly) even dumber than I think you are.

i always welcome Seinfeld videos, although if you knew this blog at all you'd know I prefer those of the Costanzian variety.

Kiko Jones said...

One question: What would Palin and co. say if a liberal candidate were publicly told by a prominent Dem to only speak to MSNBC? They'd have a field day, is what. Hooray, the conservative double standard wins again!

Oh, and btw X, I didn't want to have to step in, but your unhealthy sexual fixation with O'Donnell has you talking about her in a Playboy spread. Dude, different strokes--heh heh--and all that but...SHE'S NOT HOT. Cute, maybe. BUT SHE'S NOT EVEN REGULAR CHICK HOT, let alone Playboy-worthy. Are you having some sort of bout of Catholic school girl fantasizing lately? Just sayin'.

Xmastime said...

youre right, she's no Palin, but she's hot "enough" for "unhinged political figure stripping for money" ;)