Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Universe, Physics, Fake Titties

It's always useless to try to argue with a Creationism believer, since no matter how far back to the birth of the universe you walk them, they can always merely say "okay, but who made THAT?" and on and on.

But now Stephen Hawking is making the case that no "Creator" is necessary to explain the universe.
The universe, Hawking argues, is simply an "inevitable consequence of the laws of physics" (as reported in BBC News) and his latest book seeks to contest the notion that the origin of the universe must have been initiated by a creator. Spontaneous generation, it appears, reigns supreme in his latest title.
Of course, Hawking is the only dude in the world getting laid less than me, so I guess you can decide for yourself whether or not he's an idiot; if you wanna take his book as the truth or the one that most people claim is "fact." On a side note from that link, seriously, where the fuck has my "anyone being able to by fake titties on plyboard" idea gone? Wtf?

Oh, wait - he IS getting more snatchus intteruptus than me. Awesome. Fuck you, nerd.

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