Thursday, September 09, 2010

Worst Speech Ever

This has been making the rounds today as "the worst political stump speech of all time." And yes, it's incredibly awful. This is how I picture a video of the flight attendant that went crazy would look like, but with a ferret in his pants. It's so bad that I wonder if it's a joke; it's certainly something I would do if someone even remotely suggested it   dared me. But then, I couldn't do it with a straight face, so.

Also, I'm surprised that a county treasurer nomination is such a hotbed for political theater. Hell, I didn't even realized you voted them in; but then, the MAYOR of my hometown was known mostly for the fact that every day he drove an hour to Richmond and back to go to Arby's, so what the fuck do I know. And I certainly didn't realize that country treasurer was a job wherein you had to convince voters you're the right guy for the job by working yourself up into a hot, blustery lather of firebanded emotion - I mean, is he promising to perform administrative work conducting the daily business activities of the city including financial management and statutory clerk functions, or fight off Indian raids? What the hell?

This in particular reminds me of something I wrote a few years back about Tim Geithner (and, in the rest of the post, an incredible example of gravitation assist!!!)
Which makes me think about Timothy Geithner. I keep hearing a lot of grumbling that whenever he speaks, he doesn't "arouse a lot of confidence." Which drives me crazy - I want somebody in charge of saving our economy to be a hyper-nerd with a freakish acumen for numbers and economic theory; I don't really give a shit if he's not great at giving speeches. Yeah maybe he's not great at pep talks, but then I'm not interested in giving Bill Parcells a whack at ending the recession either.


Anonymous said...

And don't forget to vote "YES" on Proposition Preparation H.

Anonymous said...

Randy Quaid could play his character.

Unknown said...

That is Randy Quaid hiding from the Feds.


Rex Ryan just signed this motherfucker.

Pops said...

This guy sounds just like Mankind (Mick Foley) from the old WWF days...